Living Legacy Fund
The Presbytery of Des Moines established the Living Legacy Fund to empower and support the congregations of the Presbytery as they labor in God’s mission and witness to God’s grace in Jesus Christ. The Living Legacy Fund is built upon the proceeds of the sale of church properties within the Presbytery and with donations directly to the Fund.
The Living Legacy Committee oversees the assets of the fund and is responsible for awarding grants according to the Living Legacy Fund Policy. The Committee will accept applications for grants, evaluate them, and announce its decision in the Fall of each year. Checks will be issued in February of the following year.
Use of the Living Legacy Fund
Congregational Mission and Revitalization
10% of the annual allocation will be available for grants for congregations or committees of the presbytery to be used for mission and witness activities or mission trips, or for grants for congregational revitalization. Grants for congregational revitalization will be made in consultation with the Commission on Ministry and are intended to enable and support initiatives toward congregational growth and vitality. Accordingly, these grants cannot be used for property repair or payment of loans and are not intended for cases in which long-term financial support is needed. Congregational Mission and Revitalization Grant Application
Leadership Development Grants
5% of the annual allocation is available for grants for leadership development. Teaching elders and ruling elders pursuing ministry-related continuing education or theological education may apply for grants. (Seminary students should contact the Committee on Preparation for Ministry for grants.) Leadership Development Grants Application
Youth and Camping
10% of the annual allocation will be available for camping and youth ministries of the presbytery. Additional funds for camping and youth ministries of the presbytery are available from the Walther Fund. These funds can be accumulated for up to three years to be used as scholarship for Presbyterian Youth Triennium.
New Worshiping Communities
25% of the annual allocation will be available to the New Worshiping Communities Committee with the approval of the Presbytery for use in starting and/or supporting new worshiping communities.
Presbytery Operating Fund
Of the annual allocation, 50% will be distributed to the operating fund of the presbytery.