Iowa Presbyterian Gathering


People will come from east and west and north and south and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. LUKE 13:29
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. GALATIANS 3:28

Come Saturday, August 27

On Saturday, August 27, Iowa Presbyterians will gather at First Presbyterian Church in Boone to celebrate Christian CommUNITY: in Iowa, within our denomination, and in solidarity with all Christians around the world! You are invited to join in this celebration that will include inspiring worship, joyful music, fellowship, food, and an array of thought-provoking workshops.
First Presbyterian Church, 703 Greene Street; Boone, Iowa 50036
Morning Worship
Preacher:  Rev. Ekram Kachu
Worship Leader: Rev. Sara Sutter
Closing Worship
Preacher:  CRE Kristine Ward
Worship Leader: Rev. Christine Kaplunas

Originally from Sudan, Ekram is the pastor of First Arabic Presbyterian Church in Des Moines, a congregation of Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees.  Their online worship services draw more than 1,000 participants each week from as many as 15 countries.  Ekram is also the Director of the church’s Arabic Outreach Center.

Kris is a life-long Presbyterian and CRE in the Presbytery of East Iowa.  She loves sharing her faith with others in the church setting and in all aspects of life, work and ministry!

9:00 a.m. In-person Coffee & Fellowship
9:30 a.m. Online Fellowship begins
10:00 a.m. Opening worship
11:15 a.m. Workshop #1
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Workshop #2
2:45 p.m. Closing Worship

Celebrating Small Churches – Discussion will focus on the opportunities and challenges of small churches, both rural and urban. Panel includes Rev. Ian McMullen, Rev. Sara Sutter, CRE Adrian McMullen.

Co-Creating God’s World with Communication – Explore how everyday communication is finally a moral, theological, and account-able and response-able activity in Jesus Christ. Communication is a co-creative activity with God: we join God in co-creating the world we/God wants. Rev. John Pea

A Declaration of Faith for Our Time – Many of us look around and see so much that is broken, much that violates God’s intentions for creation, and worship of many idols leading to destruction and suffering. Members from each presbytery are coming together to write a theological declaration for our time and place. Come learn about the process and share what you think God is saying to us today. Rev. Kirsten Klepfer and Rev. Alex Thornburg

You Shall Also Love the Stranger – How do we faithfully engage in mission to, and community with, the refugees, immigrants, and migrants in our midst? Elder Sheryl Puderbaugh (available also via Zoom)

Restorative Actions – Restorative Actions is an economic equity initiative born from the intersection of theology, justice, and economics. It allows U.S. Americans who benefit from institutional racism, to provide credible witness for justice by surrendering ill-gotten gains toward the establishment of just relationships with our Afro-American and Indigenous communities. Rev. Sarah Moore-Noakes and Elder Jim Koon (available also via Zoom)

Creation and Community – Explore the biblical, theological and missional understanding of viewing Creation (Nature) as an integral aspect and experience of the church community. Rev. Alex Thornburg

The Church as a Community of Mission – Understanding mission as that which gives shape and substance to the life and work of the church and its unity. Elder Amgad Beblawi

Because we love one another and our neighbors, participants are requested to wear masks to this event.


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