Class | Name | Status/Church | Phone | |
2024(1) |
TE Kristin Pike |
Hartford Community |
515-230-6511 |
2024(2) |
TE Eric Pasanchin | Ankeny |
515-964-0264 |
2025(2) |
TE Bill O’Connell |
Johnston St. Paul |
515-257-3024 | CONTACT EMAIL |
2025(1) |
RE Joan Mahaffey |
Des Moines Union Park |
515-249-9374 |
2026(2) |
TE Randy Lubbers |
Retired |
507-317-9814 | CONTACT EMAIL |
2026(2) |
RE Jan Davison |
Des Moines Westminster |
515-277-0444 | CONTACT EMAIL |
LC Liaison |
TE Ekram Kachu |
Des Moines First Arabic |
515-556-8032 |
LC Liaison |
RE Nate Boulton |
Des Moines First |
515-669-4259 |
Staff |
RE Amgad Beblawi |
Mission Executive | 502-592-3223 | CONTACT EMAIL |
13.5.1. The Committee on New Church Development consists of six members. A majority of the members must be ruling elders and ministers of the Word and Sacraments. The moderator of the committee will be nominated by the Committee on Nominating for a term of one year.
13.5.2. The Committee oversees and supports new church developments, fellowships, new worshiping communities, and other church partnerships by the Presbytery.
13.5.3. The Committee recommends to the Leadership Council the establishment of new church developments. All such recommendations must include a plan for financial support and ministry goals.
13.5.4. The Committee responsibilities include (1) supporting new church development pastors and Steering Committees, (2) guiding them in polity, process, evangelism, and congregational development, (3) helping them meet goals determined by the Presbytery concerning membership, ministry and funding, (4) receiving reports from them quarterly, and (5) evaluating them at least annually and (6) explore and recommend alternative forms of new church development.
13.5.5. The Committee reports annually to the Leadership Council on the status of each new church development with a recommendation concerning the next year of funding.