Leadership Council
Composed of ruling elders and ministers of the Word and Sacrament in numbers as nearly equal as
Committee on Budget and Finance
Provides financial and budgetary oversight and guidance to the Presbytery.
Committee on Camping and Youth Ministry
Provides for the nurture, faith development, and leadership skills of youth in the Presbytery, as well as the adults who work with youth.
Commissioners to the General Assembly and Synod of Lakes & Prairies
Report to the Presbytery through the Leadership Council and Presbytery.
Committee on Living Legacy Fund
The purpose is to empower and support the churches of the Presbytery in growing the mission of Jesus Christ.
Commission on Ministry
Will provide care, resources, and oversight for the churches and pastors in the presbytery.
Committee on New Worshiping Communities
Oversees and supports new church developments, fellowships, new worshiping communities, and other church partnerships by the Presbytery.
Committee on Nominating
To achieve as nearly as possible a fair and balanced constituency of the Presbytery membership to its council, committees, the Presbytery Permanent Judicial Commission, Synod and General Assembly Commissioners.
Commission on Permenant Judicial
Shall hold only the powers prescribed by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Commission on Personnel
Composed of three people from each participating presbytery in the Staffing Model.
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Shall oversee preparation of persons who seek to be ordained as ministers of the Word and Sacrament and those persons who seek to become commissioned ruling elders.
Committee on Presbytery Worship
To plan and carry out worship for the Stated Meetings of the Presbytery.
Committee on Property
Implements the responsibilities of the Presbytery concerning property as specified in the Book of Order.
Committee on Sexual Misconduct Response
Shall follow the guidelines as set out in the Sexual Misconduct Policy of the Presbytery in accordance to the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Committee on the Promotion of Social Righteousness
To equip and encourage the Presbytery to be a community of witness by supporting mission partnerships among local churches, promoting and interpreting the ministries and missions of PC(USA).