Leadership Council Highlights: November 2024
2025 Presbytery Meeting Sites
February 11: Zoom meeting for action on constitutional amendments
February 22: Indianola
May 20: Corning
November 11: To be confirmed.
Nominating Committee
The committee has been meeting and trying to work through changes, but at this point there has not been progress towards getting a new slate of nominees due to a number of difficulties the committee’s members have faced. It may be necessary to delay the presentation of nominees until January or February or make changes to the committee to reflect incoming membership changes through a special meeting in December. Leadership Council will inform the presbytery as soon as possible when a plan has been determined, including the date of a called presbytery meeting if applicable.
Budget and Per Capita
There has been a growing issue with congregations not submitting their per capita commitments to the presbytery. The leadership council is working to communicate with congregations who have not submitted per capita payments to explore what conditions are impacting their ability, or their desire, to fulfill their per capita giving this year. The presbytery is hopeful that by reaching out to these congregations we can work together to provide support and solutions to address any concerns or issues congregations are dealing with to keep our worship community striving to help each other further God’s mission in our church.
Presbytery Future and Structure/LC Relationship with Io-Way Forward Task Force
The work continues as the task force is filled with members from each of the three presbyteries so it can begin its work. Once all members have been confirmed, the task force will present its proposal mid-year to address staff structure, presbytery boundaries, and administration going into 2025.
Submitted by RE Nate Boulton