Register Now for the Awesome Outreach Celebration!

Aug 27, 2024

The fun begins Saturday at noon on October 19 at Heartland Presbyterian Church, when supporters of the Arabic Outreach Center gather for a grand celebration/fundraiser that will include a soup-and-salad lunch, inspiring stories, and music by the First Arabic Children’s Choir.  Attendees will also enjoy a Sudanese style-show, a live auction, and the opportunity to purchase some yummy treats to take home. The goal of the event is two-fold: 1 – to celebrate the mission of the Arabic Outreach Center; and 2 – to raise $10,000 by the end of the year to fund the vital services it provides.

The cost for the lunch is $20 (due at the event); however, we pray that the stories, the music, and the expressed needs will move you to consider a greater gift that will sustain and further the ministry of the AOC.  Please help us reach our goal; the need is great!

Reserve your seat today! You can sign up individually, or you can reserve a whole table for seven and bring six friends! Register now here or call 515-777-0429!

As you may already know, the Arabic Outreach Center provides life-changing support to immigrants and refugees and their families as they assimilate into American culture. In addition to providing on-going services (translation, transportation, referrals, etc.) the AOC is expanding its new initiative: serving youth and guiding them toward a brighter future.

Raising teens can be difficult for any family, but immigrant/refugee families face additional obstacles.  These teens and their parents do not share a common native language, nor do they embrace the same cultural norms.  Often parents are working two jobs just to make ends meet, leaving kids unsupervised for long periods of time.  Teens may find it difficult to succeed under these circumstances. New AOC programming will help teens prepare for a successful future through mentoring and by covering some of the expenses when preparing for post-high school education or training.

Yes, it matters – to the youth we serve, to their parents, and to the community.  And it matters to all of us at the AOC.  Changing lives for the better is what we do!