Congregational Survey
Your Leadership Council has been meeting frequently and seeking to prayerfully discern who God is calling us to be as a Presbytery in this ever-changing world. What does it mean to be a Presbytery in this time and place? How can we as a Presbytery best serve the churches and the communities that make up this part of God’s kingdom?
We invite you to take this survey and then share it with other congregational leaders in your communities of faith. We want to hear from as many members as possible. Your confidential answers will help us to understand your local church and the communities that you serve. In turn, your answers will be invaluable in helping us (the Presbytery) to better serve you.
The survey will close on September 30, 2024 so that we can review this information and make recommendations. After the information has been compiled, it will be available to anyone who wishes to study the results.
Serving Together,
The Des Moines Presbytery Leadership Council