FPC Knoxville Takes Church to Member’s Home
Stories emerge from the New Testament of faithful folk gathered in homes for worship. The Knoxville Church took a page from those stories as we met in the home of one of our members on Sunday, November 20. John Mertz, one of our Ruling Elders, suggested that we “take church” to Dorothy Borchert’s house as she had been unable to come to the church building due to recent surgeries.
One of our pianists, Rose Marie Briggs, offered to play the piano in Dorothy’s living room for worship. Dorothy had the piano tuned for the occasion. The congregation sounded great as we filled up Dorothy’s living room.
The beauty of a small congregation such as Knoxville is that we were able to make this change easily. The collective decision is that we will return to Dorothy’s house on another Sunday morning.
What a beautiful way to be the “church.” You inspire others in the presbytery to be creative. Thank you.