A Path to Belonging: A webinar sponsored by the Synod of Lakes and Prairies

Sep 5, 2022

A Path to Belonging:  A webinar sponsored by the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, will be offered November 1, 8 and 15 from 9:30-11:00 a.m.  Each week will build upon the previous week. 
Loneliness is an epidemic.  According to a 2018 national survey by Cigna Insurance, almost half of us feel sometimes or always alone (47%), and about the same number feel left out (46%) at any given moment.  Why would a health insurance company be interested in loneliness?  Aside from the mental health implications, the physical consequences for premature death due to loneliness are statistically equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.  Loneliness takes both an emotional and physical toll.
At LeaderWise, Mary Kay DuChene and Mark Sundby have studied loneliness and pathways to belonging in pastoral leaders for the past two years.  Their book, A Path to Belonging: Overcoming Clergy Loneliness, was released in July 2022.  The book is recommended but not required for this series.

In this 3-session webinar (each session is 90 minutes), Mark and Mary Kay will share what they have learned about loneliness and belonging for people in ministry as well as specific strategies individual clergy and denominations can pursue to counter the epidemic.  Pastoral leaders, Deacons, Chaplains and mid-Council leaders will have the opportunity to converse with others in similar settings as the themes unfold.