Good News from FAPC’s Arabic Outreach Center!
The Arabic Outreach Center is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a 2022 Prairie Meadows Community Betterment Grant! The funds will be used to support the work of the AOC’s Women’s Empowerment Group. The group’s participants, both Christian and Muslim women, meet to improve their English language skills, share their experiences and receive support from one another as they learn to adapt to American culture. Sewing machines are available and sewing instruction is part of the curriculum. The Empowerment Group builds confidence and self-esteem, teaching invaluable life skills to Arabic-speaking refugee and immigrant women. We are incredibly proud and grateful to receive this grant in support of our work.
The Arabic Outreach Center is also utilizing the DM Community Foundation’s resources to help us identify other funding sources. In addition, we rely on – and are grateful for – generous donations from churches, groups and individuals in our presbytery and our community. Thank you all!
Contact Jan Davison for more information.