Heartland Family Refugee Ministry Update
Fazal, Bassmina, and the four children are thriving in their new home. The girls attended Edmunds Elementary school for the last few weeks of the school year and were thrilled to begin their education in their neighborhood school. Special educators have been working closely with the family to set up an educational plan for their son. Fazal shared that he greatly appreciated the commitment of the various specialists who spent hours to design the services to best meet their little boy’s needs. Hopefully, summer services will be made available to the children through the summer months.
In April, Heartland volunteers set up furniture and unpacked household goods in each room of the Moneer’s house. Since then, Fazal and Bassmina have added a few finishing touches their home and yard, making it a loving and cozy setting for their young family. On May 1st, Fazal and Bassmina hosted a dinner party for the core group of Heartland volunteers as a thank you for their contributions to setting up the apartmenet. A delicious Afghan meal was prepared and served by Fazal and Bassmina – an event that was greatly enjoyed by all. At the dinner and repeatedly since then, Fazal has expressed his profound gratitude for all that Heartland Congregation has done from him and his family.
Recently, Heartlanders helped to deliver and install a backyard playground for the kids. Our friend, Barb Schmidt from Central Presbyterian church acquired the playground set for the family.
Fazal shared that he will be starting a new job soon. He has been resourceful in seeking out opportunities and preparing himself for the workplace in Des Moines.