Joy Abounds as First Arabic Celebrates Five Years!
Upbeat music, smiling children, and words of joy and gratitude… all made for a wonderful celebration on Sunday, June 5, marking First Arabic’s fifth anniversary as a church in the Presbytery of Des Moines.
In sharp contrast to the rain, hail, lightning and thunder outdoors, indoors the sanctuary was filled with the light of God’s love and the warmth of the Holy Spirit among us. The adult musicians and children’s choir sang, prayers were offered, Scriptures read, Communion shared, and an uplifting message was delivered by the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the PCUSA. Unfortunately, an outbreak of COVID in Louisville, KY, and concerns for his health (with General Assembly just two weeks away) caused a last-minute change in his travel plans, but he was able to join us virtually via Zoom, thanks to the wonders of technology.
Following the service, all were invited downstairs for delicious food, entertainment, speakers, and recognition of all the churches and individuals who have supported First Arabic on its five-year journey. Thank you to all who attended this joyous celebration!