Don Justo Coffee with Dignity

To all churches in the Presbytery of Des Moines, Presbytery of North Central Iowa, and Presbytery of Prospect Hill:

The Our Sister Parish Inc. mission of the Presbytery of Des Moines, would like to invites you to become involved in the Don Justo Coffee with Dignity coffee project. We’d like to invite you to serve it in your church and to take individual orders from your church members. We are offering to free delivery to all churches in all three presbyteries.

Profits from the sale of Don Justo Coffee with Dignity are returned to the small communities in the Berlín, Usulután, El Salvador area.

If you are interested and would like to learn more, we have provided:

If you would like to talk with the coffee coordinators with questions, you may contact:

Betty or Maurice Dyer

If you are already involved in this very important mission, we thank you. If you are not already involved, we thank you for considering participating in this mission that was begun in the year 2002.